Athens adapts to a “new normal” as COVID-19 spreads

As in other communities across the nation, the Athens mayor and local commissioners have been scrambling to figure out what to do to ensure the safety of residents as COVID-19 continues to spread across the United States.

Area experts hosted emergency meetings to discuss coronavirus preparedness, as discuss the potential prohibition of gatherings of large groups and forced curfew.

In a recent post for Georgia Health News, Madeline Laguaite, a graduate student studying health and medical journalism, took a look at the “new normal” as communities like Athens rush to address an unprecedented public health crisis.

Click here to read her full story in Georgia Health News. Contributing to this report are Jillian Tracy, Andi Clements and Brittany Carter, journalism students at the University of Georgia who are enrolled in an introduction to health and medical journalism class for Spring 2020.